So good,

it will make you squeal.

Local, Fresh, and Ono…

Dreamed of in 2014, This Lil Piggy has focused on serving the best fusion Barbeque by blending the finest of Hawaii, Texas and Southern cooking styles and flavor profiles. Guided by an international palate, we use fresh, local ingredients grown here in Hawaii and mix them with the best quality meat found locally. This combination of flavors and textures makes our award winning Barbeque the top choice among locals.

Our chefs make everything in small batches from our home base in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii. To achieve optimal flavor, we use a few tropical selections including Kiawe wood which is a native to tropical areas and all grown here in paradise. Every bite is worth your patience.

You can't live a full
life on an empty stomach.

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of specials and new menu items.